The Practices | Study and contemplation

Study & Contemplation
The more you contemplate the teachings, the more they enter you.
from Enthusiasm by Gurumayi Chidvilasananda
We all notice the effects that words can have on us. Whether they are positive or negative, words from others have a way of resonating in our being. When we focus on and engage with the words of the sages, the words of the Guru, we are actually imbibing the outlook of the enlightened ones. Their words constantly point us back to our own higher Self and uplift our state.
When we study and contemplate the teachings, our awareness expands. We allow the teachings to shape our life in an exalted way. Then these teachings become our own and rise up of their own accord to help us live our life in harmony with the highest truths.
In Siddha Yoga meditation centers, at retreats, and at home we study to continually take our understanding of the teachings, and our skill in performing the Siddha Yoga practices, to deeper and deeper levels. Through study we also find practical ways to apply what we learn to our life. One of the central ways in which we can develop our study is by participating in the Siddha Yoga Home Study Course.