The Practices | Selfless Service

Selfless Service
It is seva that accelerates the sadhana of a seeker and lights the path to God.
from Enthusiasm by Gurumayi Chidvilasananda
There is a saying that it is easy to be a saint on a mountaintop, but the real proof comes when you return to the marketplace. On the Siddha Yoga path, we test our attainment and refine our understanding through the practice of seva, or selfless service. As we work with others in a spiritual environment, we have a practical means to put the Siddha Yoga teachings into action.
During the practice of seva, we perform familiar activities—whether cooking, cleaning, teaching, or working at the computer—with a focus on the Self, with awareness. Siddha Yoga students offer seva at Siddha Yoga retreats, meditation centers, and ashrams, creating a tangible offering of love in action.
In her message for 2000, Gurumayi Chidvilasananda spoke about “uninterrupted loving service” as a way to dissolve that which separates us from the constant experience of divine love. As we cultivate an attitude of service, we learn how to make all of our life’s work service to God; all aspects of our life become yoga. Ultimately, we come to understand that serving humanity and serving God are one and the same.
Reflecting on the Sublime Practice of Seva, A Letter by a Siddha Yoga student